Artist Statement

I am captivated by the interface of nature and technology. As an artist, my goal is to create art that vitalizes spaces, inspires people and gives a sense of hope to our current global community. My artwork primarily focuses on the qualities of light as well as the abstractions natural forms and processes.


In my explorations of native plants, for example, I am interested in the process of how plants communicate and move. My Floral Sculpture series explores form, structure and motion through mechanical movement and balance.  


Another perennial fascination of mine is the magic of photosynthesis. This has led me to develop a body of artwork that ‘harvests’ its own energy to self-animate. In my Solar Sculpture series, I incorporate photovoltaic cells to scavenge energy from secondary low-intensity light (i.e. ‘waste’ interior light) that is then used to power the illumination of these works.


– Shea Bajaj

Biographical Statement

Growing up in a multi-cultural household has been one of the biggest gifts to me in becoming an artist. My father was an Olympic athlete from India (1956 Melbourne games) and my mother came from a rural farm community in Ohio.


My childhood home was a mix of exotic wood carvings of various Hindu deities interspersed with photos of North American plants and birds. This fusion of cultures shaped my early experiences and allowed me the opportunity to travel the world and learn first had how powerful art and culture is in connecting us to nature.  


– Shea Bajaj